Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Snow Joke! It’s a marketing dream…

Well what a snowy week we’ve had in the UK. I did attempt to do some work on Monday but the snow started at midnight on Sunday night and so it was too tempting to stay up late throwing snowballs. Monday was spent building snow men and continued snowball fights..

Some of you may be thinking…AND we get snow all the time! Well us Londoners rarely see snow so this was prime opportunity to pretend we were in the French Alps…well almost.

I was surprised to see just how many people turned it to their advantage and almost all blogs HAD to mention it! Some retailers even displayed ‘Prices Frozen…literally’. So how else could you use an occasion to promote and market yourself or your business?

Ive just come back from the US and one of my good friends Bob the Teacher had a Half Time sale related to the Super Bowl! How cool and idea was that! So what can you do TODAY to take advantage of that?

Ask yourself. What events are coming up that could be tailored or tweaked for your market? Ie Sporting events, Academy Awards, Your local Village Festival! Whatever – a great example that is coming up next week is VALENTINES DAY – it is so easy to relate most of your products to that in some way!

Prepare an email or flyer to distribute to your clients or lists and encourage them to go for your service/product!

Happy Marketing Weekend!

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