Wednesday 18 February 2009

Putting it out there & the Law of Gender

Well its been a full on week! Its amazing. I have been out and about meeting people, blogging, contributing, adding value and letting people know about what I’m doing.
After ’sowing the seeds’ spring seems to have arrived and I am getting calls and emails regarding work, presenting, speaking and courses! Its wonderful! I am also pleased to have passed on contacts and work to other associates…lovely.
Being a Virgo…one gets a little impatient and you are reminded again that if you really want something, sometimes the Law of Gender kicks in…this essentially says that everything happens in its own good time. Especially if you’ve put some hard graft in before hand.
Like everyone, I am aiming for effortlessness and the power of systems to take the pressure off…oooh the power of the internet and virtual assistants…
So wherever you are - is the hard work paying off? Are you getting what you want? Are you giving what you want? Are you putting it out there…enough!!
Go forth and get giving…I guarantee it WILL come back x 10
Have a great week

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